Camp Achievement took place right outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Ross, 2000). Sigma Teen Town was established by war’s end to combat juvenile deliquency (“Sigma Gamma Rho”, 2011). Instead, they dedicated their attention to the structure and layout of Sigma Gamma Rho (Ross, 2000). The sorority did not hold national conventions for the first three years (Ross, 2000). The latter version characterized the contributions of the sorority to a greater degree. Sigma Gamma Rho’s slogan originally read, “Greater Progress, Greater Service” however they decided to flip the slogan to read, “Greater Service, Greater Progress” (Ross, 2000). It was that belief that Sigma Gamma Rho clung to in the years ahead (Ross, 2000).

The previous quote was part of a larger article written by Ethel Smith entitled “Woman’s Place in the Forward March” (Ross, 2000). Part of the Wilberforce group performed the hymn for attendees (Giddings, 1988).Ĭolors: Crimson and Red representing “courage and purity” (McKenzie, 2005)Ĭolors: Salmon Pink and Apple Green symbolic of an “abundance of life, womanliness, fidelity, and love” (McKenzie, 2005) This hymn was made official at the national convention on Decemat the Harlem YWCA (Giddings, 1988). The bright gleam of thy vision has lighted the world That keeps our hearts clean and pure to the end Written by Alice Dunbar Nelson and Florence Cole Talbertĭelta! With glowing hearts we praise theeĭelta Sigma Theta! We pledge thee loyalty. The college campus provided the ideal climate for activism creating the perfect mixture (Washington & Nuñez, 2005). While club members and churchmen pushed those values, Jacqueline Moore argued that sororities allowed women to push the standards at the collegiate level (cited in Washington & Nuñez, 2005). The sorors were not just expected to achieve higher academic standards but also ones of “community service and racial uplift” (Giddings, 1988). The Black Sorority has its roots deeply embedded in the liberal arts (Giddings, 1988). Even as members of the prestigious organizations, it was difficult for Black women to elevate their social status in such a patriarchal and paternalistic society (Washington & Nuñez, 2005). Urban League’s Bethlehem House Settlement, Tuskegee Women’s Club, Atlanta University’s Neighborhood Union, and Woman’s League are a few examples of the clubs (Washington & Nuñez, 2005). These clubs were “exclusive” meaning that they were not just for the general public but the upper crust (Washington & Nuñez, 2005).

It’s impossible to examine the history of Black sororities without looking at women and particularly Black women. Black women’s clubs congregated around large cities like New York City, Washington, D.C., and Boston (Washington & Nuñez, 2005).